Our Initiatives

Through a diverse set of campus initiatives, we create opportunities at USC for conversation and action around the social implications and ethical issues of technology.

Tech4Good Career Fair

Hosting an annual career fair dedicated to promoting careers in human-centered technology. This exciting event aims to bring together hundreds of talented undergraduate and graduate engineers, designers, and business people from our university, along with dozens of impactful startups, researchers, and innovative companies.

Speaker Series

Creating conversations about technology’s intersections led by diverse professors, professionals, and researchers. Stay tuned for our annual Tech4Good Symposium this April!

AI Ethics Curriculum

Designing and creating student-led lectures examining ethical questions related to the future of AI in society and presenting to USC's advanced writing (WRIT 340) classes and other student organization events.

Health Initiative

Discussing and bringing awareness to the various ethical and social considerations of medical technology through workshops and experiments. We aim to inspire a community of students who will improve the field of medicine increase their personal digital well-being.

Virtual Reality Initiative

Highlighting how VR, AR, and MR are implemented and examining their benefits and detriments to society through research, workshops, and pitch competitions.

Public Policy

Working in conjunction with USC's Neely Center to advise lawmakers regarding policy related to Artificial Intelligence, digital wellbeing, and social media use.

Paradigm Podcast

Inviting academics and professionals for in-depth, long-form conversations surrounding various topics regarding technology, ethics, and their intersections. We seek to better understand technology, how technology influences humans, and the human condition more broadly.

Internal Management

Managing the organization's internal affairs. Includes the core leadership, marketing, finance, and community teams.